The Energy System Design program is part of the Helmholtz Research Field "Energy". The scientists in this Research Field are working on a climate-neutral energy supply that is economically and socially sustainable. They pursue this aim by researching and developing innovative conversion, distribution, and storage technologies and devising solutions for a cross-sector energy system.

Energy System Design

Program compact

In this programme, researchers are aiming to design the integrated energy system of the future. They are pursuing this goal by taking a holistic approach and incorporating ethical, social, political, economic, technological, and environmental aspects in their work. The scientists assess new technologies and provide access to models, methods, and tools that can be used to design and operate the energy system of the future.

Energy System Design

Helmholtz Energy

Helmholtz Energy is the central platform for the Research Field Energy, where the Helmholtz Association presents the entire research field across all centres.

Zur Website Helmholtz Energy

Last Modified: 22.04.2024